Rebuilding the Organ

Photos of the organ

Photographs of the:
Charles K. Beaman / William Miller Chapel Organ.
Note the parts built by Charles Beaman and how he added the second manual.
The second wind chest, that C.K. Beaman added, is located above the upper manual.
Take note to the facade pipes built by C. Beaman,
made entirely by hand with a draw knife.

a newpaper photo of Charles K. Beaman playing his beloved organ and chimes, that Charles himself constructed from a crowbar and truck drive shafts

C.K. Beaman's hand written notes inside the organ
The Charles K. Beaman Organ as found Oct.2002

The William Miller Chapel where this organ resided and neglected for many years following Charles Beaman's death
Look close at the organ parts constructed by C. K. Beaman and the 30 Campanella bells taken from an ancient Shoninger organ, given to him by Miles Dales, Oneonta, when Mr. Dales had a music store on Elm St.

From yellow pine Charles Beaman whittled ornamental pipes which he coated with aluminum paint to “make the organ look better

Hours and Hours of cleaning

Pallet valves added to old chest for subbass
How Charles added the extra manual above stop rail

The extra stops built and added by Charles
More components built by Charles

Over 150 hours just to clean everything

Location of the William Miller Chapel

William Miller

The Chapel